Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Banana.
Oh man that was cheesy. There aren't many songs that have to do with oranges. I was thinking Orange County Girl by Gwen Stefani but that's just plain obvious when it comes to me and my love of No Doubt. Anyways.... these are Orange cupcakes the recipe / idea came from the website . Yeah I still not too sure how to post a link on this blog but hopefully I will learn soon. Anywhoo. I love this recipe i love the consistency of the batter not too thick not too thin. The batter itself make exactly 12 regular size cupcakes so that's the only downside. Today I went on a nice shopping trip to find some shiny new cupcake liners and I ended up finding some plain brown ones (which i must say look pretty classy) from Tapps a baking shop and some spring time liners with eggs on them from Target.

On she used a cream cheese frosting. I wasn't too sure about it even though I bought all the ingredients for it. After trying the cupcakes it seemed to need more of an orange flavor to it. So instead of the cream cheese frosting i made a butter cream frosting with orange extract instead of vanilla. I think they turned out pretty. I had a few panic moments because I seem to have misplaced my giant star tip. I hope it shows up. I just used a smaller star tip and decorated it with a fruit slice candy.